Monday, February 1, 2010

Today Is Not a Snow Day

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Scratch that it's after 12!


Fist off, I'm just going to take a moment to vent a bit! We are all disappointed that there are classes today people but the fact is, Longwood has done an EXCELLENT job cleaning the campus and there are classes today. We are adults so let but on our big kid britches and get over it! Go to class! It's what you would have done if there wasn't snow!

Wow - that feels better!

I'm very excited that I had a lot of feed back on FB for me creating a blog! I hope I don't disappoint!! I love Rachel Price's idea of talking about the books I'm reading! I will be sure to do that! As for the idea of gossip, hahahaha, i wish I could!! But I'm going to be on my best behavior while writing my posts! :)

Well it's about time for class! Last one of the day then studying all day for a huge test tomorrow! Oh dear!

Have a good day friends!!